Following some actions on the dashboard, Update, Deploy, Export, etc. You may see Your request has been taken into account
, Your export is being processed
, etc… These actions cause RG Supervision to perform background tasks. One action may generate multiple tasks.
This page allows you to have a list of some operations that RG Supervision is performing in the background on your nodes and agents.
These operations can take a variable amount of time depending on the number of actions to perform and the number of agents under the node.
You will find more details about the action by hovering it.
Here is a list of operations logged in the “Background operations” page:
- Agent cache
- Plugins cache
- Alerts cache
- LogMeIn configuration (perpetual)
- Security configuration
- Message dispatching
- Custom script results export (agent)
- Custom script results export (node)
- Tickets export
- Pedigree export
- App Manager export
- Uptime export
- Consumption export
- Software inventory export
- Devices data export
- Backup environment export
- Users export
- Backup policies report