Feature Overview
This feature will allow you to set up, for some products, quotas on nodes to be able to follow their consumption, this without blocking in order to invoice them or manage their contract.
Click on "Create your first quota" and follow the guide!
Terms definition
Start date
This date represents the start date for the Quota calculation.
If it is set in the past, the effective counting is only done when the quota is filled in: for example if on the 12/04, I set a quota with a start date on the 01/04, the data will only be counted from the 12/04.
If it is set in the future, it will still be changeable as long as the date is not reached.
End date - optional
If you want to define an end date for the counting of quota data, you can enter an end date.
The data will no longer be counted from this date. This date can be changed until it is reached.
Frequency allows you to define a counting periodicity.
For each new period, counters are reset.
If I choose 1 month for example, and I entered the 01/04 for the quota start date, my quotas will be reset every 1st of the month.
For quotas with a backup volume, each new period is only listing agents with backups in the period.
Sensors are the available data for counting in a quota.
Find all the detailed information in the following section "Indicators".
This is the threshold value of the quota. A notification can be generated when this value is reached. If "Sum agents' values" is checked, the reaching of this value will cause the quota to be exceeded and thus display the information in red. At each new period, counters are reset.
Threshold (Advanced mode) - Aggregation mode per agent
The choice of aggregation mode is currently only available for the "source data" indicator. It allows you to choose which "source" backup consumption value you wish to post to each agent.
- Average
Allows you to count the average value of the agent's data.
- Last value
Allows you to have a count based on the value of the last existing data.
- Maximum
Allows to have a count based on the maximum value of the agent's data.
- Sum
Allows you to have a count based on the cumulative value of the agent data. This is the default mode for all indicators.
- Sum agents' values
If checked, this option allows you to post and report on the cumulative (aggregated) values of all agents. Only the total value of the node is taken into account. This is the default mode.
If unchecked, the posting and notification will be done independently for each agent, without cumulating them. Only the aggregated value of each agent is taken into consideration.
Agent type
You can filter the type of agent for which the quota will be effective.
Quota name
Name your quota.
The chart is available for all periods. Each bar represents the value of one period. The red line represents the currently set threshold value.
There is no graph for quotas where the "Sum the agents" box has been unchecked.
Compromised quota sensor
This indicator highlights the fact that the data recorded concern the agents present under this node at the time of their activity. If they were moved afterwards (in or out), the accounting of these activities are not moved and therefore the quota may be compromised.
Source data
Data volume to backup on each agent. Represents the size of the selected data on disk.
This value is only available for customers with the product RG Backup.
In order for the values to be posted, the backup environment must have the check mark "Show billing information" set to "ON".
Billable data
Estimation of data consumed by agents on the backup environment, calculated from source data, retention and a deduplication rate.
This value is only available for customers with the RG Backup product.
In order for the values to be posted, the backup environment must have the check mark "Show billing information" set to "ON".
Restorable Data
This is the total amount of data you can restore from each agent.
This value is only available for customers with the product RG Backup.
In order for the values to be posted, the backup environment must have the check mark "Show billing information" set to "ON".
RG Backup licenses
Number of agents having at least one client in a backup environment.
Deployed agents
Counts the number of Server, Workstation and Device agents installed over the period.
Each time a new agent is detected under the quota (due to a move or a new installation) the counter is incremented.
The total is global to all selected agent types.
To count the number of each agent type separately, create several quotas with a different agent type filter.
Perpetual LogMeIn licenses
Allows you to count the number of persistent LogMeIn licenses.
Each time a new agent with LogMeIn in persistent mode is detected under the quota, the counter is incremented.
Notified people configuration
It is possible to configure the quota so that a notification is sent by email when values are reached. By default, a notification is proposed for the threshold value and the persons proposed are the users present on the same node as you.
⚠️ If no email is specified in this field, no notification will be sent.
Notification of quota exceedance
The threshold value is symbolized by a red padlock and can only be modified in the details of a quota and not in the notification management page.
It is possible to add notifications for percentage values of the threshold value in the notification management page.
In the Notified People field we list the persons belonging to your default root node. It is possible to add external person email addresses directly to the Dashboard. In this case we will send these people a confirmation email to receive notifications from RG System.
As long as the persons to be notified have not accepted the authorisation:
- No notification will be sent;
- The email entered will be framed in blue;
- An orange acceptance status will be present next to the entered e-mail.
When the external recipient accepts to receive notifications, the entered email will be framed in blue and a blue acceptance status will be present next to the entered email.
Export quotas from a node
It is possible to export:
- all the quotas present on a single node;
- all the quotas present on a node and its child nodes.
Column detail:
- Enabled
- Is the quota still active? (YES / NO)
- Sensor
- Quota sensor
- Threshold
- Threshold type for the quota
- Threshold Quantity
- Quota threshold value. Perhaps a value in bytes (bytes) for a backup data volume indicator or a decimal (quantity) for a count of the number of agents under a node.
- Threshold Unit
- Unit of measure for the quota threshold value.
- Period value
- Current value of the period for an export of the current period. End value of the period for an export of the last completed period.
- No data: No data collected over the period
- Not applicable: the quota has a start date of the period in the future and there is no data yet.
- MAX (period value) AGENT ID: Only for non-aggregated type quotas. Used to find out the MAX value of the most consuming agent over the period.
- Current value of the period for an export of the current period. End value of the period for an export of the last completed period.
- Period exceeded
- Used to find out if the period is exceeded in relation to the threshold set. When the quota is of non-aggregated type, the number of agents in excess is displayed.
- Period compromised
- See the section “Compromised quota sensor”
- Aggregate
- Allows you to see if the quota is in ON or OFF aggregation mode.
- Slice 1
- Interval less than 100% of the threshold value.
- Within 1
- Allows you to know the number of agents in the interval less than 100% of the threshold value.
- Slice 2
- Interval greater than 100% of the threshold value.
- Within 2
- Used to find out the number of agents in the interval greater than 100% of the threshold value.
- Slice N
- Allows you to have additional intervals, depending on the notifications established on the quota.
- Within N
- Allows you to have the number of agents concerned in additional intervals, according to the notifications established on the quota.