The SNMP protocol defines a concept of traps. Once defined, if a certain event occurs, such as exceeding a threshold, the equipment will send a UDP packet on port 162 of the machine hosting the monitoring agent.

Configuration/Use of SNMP traps in the monitoring dashboard**

Activating an agent as a trap receiver

In order to activate the reception of traps on an agent you have to follow several steps:


  • Create a registry key :
    • [64-bit] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RG Systems\RG Supervision\agent\options\snmptraps
    • [32-bit] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RG Systems\RG Supervision\Options\snmptraps\
  • Inside, create a string value (REG_SZ), name it "rule1".


  • Edit the file in :
    • /var/lib/rgsupv/.config/RG Systemes/RG Supervision.conf
  • In the [agent] block under options-ignore-errors-3rdparty=false add options-snmptraps=


  • If it is empty, the rule will accept all traps from all equipment on the network.
  • If you want to secure the rule, here is the applicable syntax
    • Give it the value trap://public@X.X.X.X:162/all where :
    • trap:// means "protocol"...
    • public refers to the community listened to by the RG officer
    • @X.X.X.X.X is the network interface of the "receiver" machine that will be listened to by the RG agent.
    • :162 designates the port for SNMP traps (162 being the default port)
    • /all means support for SNMP versions 1 and 2c

Set the sending of traps on network equipment

On the network equipment (router, switch, bay, ...), go to the SNMP configuration then enter the IP address of the machine where the RG agent is configured as SNMP traps receiver.

Be careful, the local firewall of the machine must accept connections on port UDP/162.

Viewing the collected information

Once the network element is configured to send SNMP traps to the receiving agent, select the agent on the dashboard. The traps will appear in the "data" and then "events" menu.