Agent pools allow you to supervise your SNMP Devices more efficiently.
Composed of Windows agents of Server or Workstation type (maximum 100), they will supervise all associated devices.
For more details regarding agent pools, please refer to the following article: DEVICE SNMP - Agent Pools
Access in the Dashboard
To create an agent pool, go to the main menu:
Configuration > Agent Pool > SNMP Devices
Create an agent pool
1/ Create the pool
Start by selecting the node on which you want to create your agent pool, then, using the access described above, open the pool creation page.
- In case you have never created an agent pool, an empty list will appear with a shortcut button for creation.
Simply click on it to start creating your first agent pool.
- Otherwise, click directly on the main "+ create an agent pool" button to add a new agent pool to your list.
Note: The main creation button also works when creating your first agent pool.
2/ Compose your agent pool with available machines.
Once you've clicked the creation button, you'll arrive on a new page to compose your pool.
You can:
- Name your pool
- Add a description
- Choose from available machines those that will compose your agent pool. To do this, click on the small arrows to move a machine into the agent pool from the available machines.
Finally, confirm your choice to create your agent pool.
The pool is now selectable in the configuration of your future SNMP devices.
Edit an agent pool
From the list of agent pools of the selected node, click on the edit icon (small pen) to edit an agent pool.
You will be directed to the agent pool configuration page.
You can then modify:
- The pool name
- The description
- Remove or add machines to your pool (by clicking on the small arrows)
Finally, confirm your choices to validate the modification of your agent pool.
Delete an agent pool
From the list of agent pools of the selected node, click on the delete icon (small trash can) to delete an agent pool.
A deletion confirmation will be requested to permanently delete the agent pool.