Agent pools offer a flexible and intelligent approach to monitoring SNMP devices. A pool is a group of machines that can include both workstations and/or servers.

Quite intuitively, you can create customized groups of machines optimized for efficient supervision. For more details on creating an agent pool, please refer to the associated documentation.

Key Points

Average Uptime for Relevant Supervision

The average uptime metric provides visibility into machine availability. It guides you in creating agent pools by identifying the most reliable machines, ensuring quality supervision.

Active Workstations in Monitoring

It is now possible to use workstations to supervise your SNMP devices.

Whether individually (as an interrogating agent) or grouped in a pool, workstations provide new options for ensuring the supervision of your SNMP devices.

This feature eliminates the need for a dedicated server for monitoring, offering a more judicious use of resources.

Intelligent Load Distribution

Agent pools offer intelligent load distribution, allowing machines to dynamically coordinate their efforts for optimal resource utilization.

Agility of Pools for Uninterrupted Monitoring

Pool agility ensures continuous monitoring. In the event of a machine's shutdown (offline) or departure (exit from the pool), others instantly share the supervision load, ensuring the stability and reliability of the monitoring process.

With the introduction of agent pools, you now have a smarter and more adaptable SNMP monitoring solution.