Several users can be attached on each node of your tree structure. They will see and/or manage all the nodes that fall under

Accessing the user management

Click on “Configuration” then “Users”

Link article Table of Users Rights

* An account manager may create/delete any user, including another account manager.
** A technical manager may create/delete any user belonging to a lower group but may not delete another technical manager.


Personal Space

In order to access your personal space, you need to go to the top node of the tree structure. The active account will be highlighted. Each user can visualize his/her level of rights and edit :

  • the name displayed
  • the cellphone number for text message alerts
  • the time zone
  • the language on the dashboard
  • the password

After clicking on the “Save” button, you need to log off and log in again to the dashboard in order for the modifications be applied.

Invite a user

This feature grants access to a user with a predefined level of rights during the invitation. You need to :

  • go on the node (which will become the top node for the invited user)
  • enter the email address of the invited user
  • specify this user’s level of rights in the drop down list
  • click on “Invite”

The invited user will receive the instructions by email to enter afterwards his/her personal information (password, cellphone number …)

The invited user will receive the same alert configuration as the person who sent the invitation.

Modify the top node of a user

Let’s imagine that there are 2 nodes in your tree structure : “Datacenter Toronto” /“Datacenter NewYork”. John Smith is a technical intervener on the “Datacenter Toronto” node and is transferred to NewYork. In order to modify his access and attach him to the “Datacenter NewYork” node :

  • Go to the “Datacenter NewYork” node
  • Send the invitation to John Smith like insttructed in the previous paragraph (without modofiying anything on his account attached to the “Datacenter Toronto” node)
  • Once John has accepted and validated the new invitation, his user account will be moved to the “Datacenter NewYork” node