Zapier : Available data

The RG System app in Zapier allows you to trigger actions based on the creation of a ticket.

As a result of monitoring and triggering automatic alerts, tickets will be created in the RG System Dashboard and will trigger actions via Zapier in third-party applications.

Below, you will find the data available in Zapier to help you create your Zaps, or in other words, your automation workflows between applications.

Fields Definition
Ticket Id The internal (RG System) ID of the ticket triggering the Zap
Creation Date Ticket creation date
Created By Origin of ticket creation
Open Date Ticket opening date
Opened By Origin of ticket opening
Close Date Ticket closure date
Closed By Origin of ticket closure
Acquit Date Date the ticket was acknowledged
Acquitted By Origin of the ticket acknowledgment
Recover Date Date when the ticket automatically returned to normal
Mute Date Date the ticket was silenced
Muted By Origin of the ticket silencing
Title Ticket title
Criticality Ticket criticality (low, medium, or high)
Comment Comment
Attachment Infos Additional data
Node Name Name of the node associated with the ticket
Agent Name Name of the agent associated with the ticket
Agent Id ID of the agent associated with the ticket
Event Event that triggered the ticket creation
Location Location
Details Ticket details
Generic Details Details on the trigger context (threshold, duration, etc.)
Event Type Type of event that triggered the ticket creation
Event Type Id ID of the event that triggered the ticket creation
Event Type Plugin Plugin associated with the event that triggered the ticket creation
Object Object of the ticket
Object Name Name of the ticket object
Object Description Description of the ticket object
Object Id ID of the ticket object
Display Id Ticket number (including customization)
Original Id Ticket number
Custom Id Customized ticket number
Snapshot Additional information
Raises Recipients of reminders

Not all of this data is necessarily relevant for every use case.

However, you will find enough information to easily identify all the elements of the ticket in order to automatically create them in another ticketing application.

You can also easily understand the context of ticket creation to automatically inform the concerned parties, facilitating/automating the processing.